IEX Stats

iex_stats(date_format, output_format)


  • date_format (default: timestamp) - Specifies how timestamps should be should be returned. Set to one of the following:
    • timestamp - default; Does not alter IEX API output.
    • datetime - Datetime object.
    • isoformat - Converts to isoformat.
  • output_format - The format to output. Options:
    • dataframe (default) - Return result as a pandas dataframe.
    • json - Return raw result converted from JSON to a python data structure.

The iex_stats instance and class

IexStats is the class used to instantiate the iex_stats object. Both can be imported from the iex module. The iex_stats object can be used to fetch IEX aggregate data.

Creating a new iex_stats object

from iex import IexStats
iex_stats = IexStats()


from iex import iex_stats

IEX Stats Methods


IEX API - Intraday open_in_new

from iex import IexStats
                                   lastUpdated         value
marketShare   2018-05-17 18:32:07.535000+00:00  2.661000e-02
notional      2018-05-17 18:32:07.472000+00:00  5.214433e+09
routedVolume  2018-05-17 18:32:06.999000+00:00  2.245174e+07
symbolsTraded 2018-05-17 18:32:07.472000+00:00  5.299000e+03
volume        2018-05-17 18:32:07.472000+00:00  1.141716e+08


IEX API - Recent open_in_new


IEX API - Records open_in_new


IEX API - Historical Summary open_in_new


IEX API - Historical Daily open_in_new